Brow Lamination Basics

Preparing for Brow Lamination

  • Refrain from tweezing or waxing your eyebrows for at least two weeks before your appointment to ensure enough hair to work with during the Brow Lamination process.

  • Brow Lamination will not work if you have very short (precisely trimmed) eyebrow hair. Instead, try a Brow Wax and Tint or Powder Brows! I will contact you directly if you are not a Brow Lamination candidate.

  • Retin-A, Retinol, Glycolic Acid or Alpha Hydroxyl: must not be used on the treated area(s) [3 days before or after Brow Lamination]. They will alter the colour and permanence of your Brow Lamination.

  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure or tanning beds for at least 48 hours before your appointment. Sunburn or excessive tanning can irritate the skin and make it more sensitive during the lamination process.

Brow Lamination Aftercare


  • Do not apply makeup or undertake further eye treatments for at least 24 hours.

  • Avoid self-tanning products for the first 72 hours.

  • After 48 hours, apply a small amount of conditioner or castor oil nightly to nourish your brows.

  • For best results, SET WHEN WET! After a shower, gently comb brow hairs into place with the provided mascara wand and allow them to dry naturally. Style with clear brow gel!

  • Do not use skin care products containing Retin-A, Retinol, Glycolic Acid, or Alpha Hydroxyl for at least 72 hours.

  • Avoid tanning beds, saunas, steam rooms, and swimming pools for 48 hours.

  • Abstain from touching or rubbing the treated area for 24 hours after treatment.

Brow Lamination FAQs

What is a Brow Lamination? And how does it differ from Permanent Makeup?

Brow Lamination is a semi-permanent hair styling treatment (a perm). A three-step treatment is applied directly to the eyebrow hairs to lift and style them into the perfect semi-permanent position. The eyebrow hair becomes more pliable after Brow Lamination, making this the ideal service for those who desire a “fluffy” brow without the need for brow gel or those with messy/unruly brows or brows that point downwards. Brows are then tinted and waxed. Results will last 6-8 weeks. This service does not include a complimentary retouch.

Brow Lamination is a semi-permanent hair styling treatment (a perm). A Powder Brow is a tattoo technique performed with a machine.

How do I keep my brows in shape after Brow Lamination?

Brow Lamination doesn't permanently fix your hair in a brushed-up style; instead, it alters the bonds in your hair, allowing you to effortlessly shape them to your preference. To maintain the desired fluffy finish, brush them back into position each morning with an eyebrow brush without additional products. Results will last 6-8 weeks.

We advise against booking earlier than 6-8 weeks in advance. Instead, you can rely on an ultra-strong eyebrow gel to extend that freshly laminated look until your next appointment.

Can I go in a tanning bed after Brow Lamination?

No. After hair removal, the skin can be left sensitive and prone to irritation from heat. For this reason, you should avoid tanning beds for at least 48 hours after your Brow Lamination treatment.

Can I wear makeup after Brow Lamination?

Avoid applying heavy makeup around the brow (such as foundation or concealer) for 24 hours. The hair follicles can remain open after hair removal, so if you are prone to sensitivity or breakouts, you may find that heavy makeup could clog the pores.

Can I use self-tanning products after Brow Lamination?

Refrain from using self-tanning products/bronzing drops around the brows for three days post-treatment. Self-tanner can be absorbed into the brow hair, especially since the hair becomes more porous after lamination. This absorption can make the brows appear darker than intended after the lamination process.