Caring for Permanent Makeup

Please follow the provided aftercare instructions to promote longevity and attain the best results for your Permanent Makeup.

Day 1-10: Wash and Treat

Within a few hours of your appointment, washing your brows (outside of the shower) is essential. Follow these steps:

  1. Apply a pea-sized amount of a gentle cleanser to the palm of your hand and mix it with water. I recommend Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser. Please wash your brows in the sink; do not get them wet in the shower!

  2. Do not rub aggressively. Only use fingertips to cleanse (do not use a washcloth or makeup wipe). Gently wash your brows toward hair growth to remove excess oil and fluid.

  3. Rinse thoroughly by cupping your hands with cool water and removing all soap.

  4. Pat the area with a clean, disposable paper towel.

  5. After completely drying the area, apply a small amount of Healing Lotion (provided by Larissa). An application of lotion the size of a rice grain is sufficient to cover BOTH eyebrows, not each brow.


DISCLAIMER: If you use the entire tube of lotion after the first session, you’ve used too much. The remaining lotion should suffice for your Complimentary 6-10 Week Retouch. If you happen to use the entire tube or misplace it, you can purchase a new tube for $5. The exact aftercare instructions apply to retouch appointments.

What to Expect

  • Immediately after, the area will be slightly dark and darken over the next 48 hours as light scabs form.

  • Some clients may experience a temporary warm colour to the pigment, which will neutralize within the next few days.

  • You may experience shedding over the next 7-10 days. Some people scab in light flakes, and some develop thicker scabs; everyone is different.

  • During the shedding phase, your brows may appear uneven. Do not apply makeup to the tattooed area for ten days.

  • If the shedding phase is not over after ten days, please continue your aftercare instructions until the shedding/scabbing is complete. It is NEVER acceptable or necessary to remove the scabs manually.

  • After the shedding/scabbing phase (days 10-15), you will notice that the colour of your pigment seems foggy and almost non-existent; THIS IS NORMAL. By week 6, your skin will regenerate, and the pigment will resurface.

  • During healing, your eyebrows appear 30-50% darker than expected. The swelling, redness, and shedding will subside, and the actual colour of the brow will surface in the sixth week.

Important Reminders

Avoid excessive rinsing and hot water on the treated area.

  • Do not expose your brows to excessive moisture or humidity (i.e., swimming/public pool, hot tub/sauna, steam room/steamy shower). Excessive moisture may cause scabbing and increase the chance of infection or loss of pigment. Should you wet the area beyond the daily cleansing instructions, you must blot dry immediately to avoid complications and undesirable results. Keep face/treated area dry while bathing/showering, i.e., do not place face directly under the showerhead.

  • Avoid exercise and sweating for at least ten days. Sweat contains sodium. Sodium/salt will remove the pigment. Even a "light workout" can compromise your results. Your Permanent Makeup will end up blurry, discoloured, or even non-existent.

  • DO NOT use cleansing products containing Retin-A, Retinol, Glycolic Acid, Alpha Hydroxyl, or exfoliants for two weeks. 

  • Do not apply makeup or skincare to the tattooed area until it is completely healed (2 weeks). Keep makeup at least one inch away from the brow.

  • Use a fresh pillowcase and avoid sleeping on your side/face for 10-14 days.

  • Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate away. Picking or itching can cause scarring or loss of colour.

  • No facials, botox, chemical treatments, or microdermabrasion for 4-6 weeks.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for three weeks.

After the healing period, you will need a touch-up. It is usually required 4-8 weeks after the initial procedure. You should not book before the 4-week period ends because the pigment has yet to settle. Give your brows time to heal correctly. You might notice that your brows have faded, sometimes leaving some gaps. Don't panic; this is normal! Do not think of the second session as something optional. It is the second part of a complete Powder Brow treatment, something required. Larissa will schedule the touch-up on the day of your initial session. Please review the policy regarding touch-up appointments.